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Go All-Digital

Supporting the global environment we supply all software as digital downloads only. How can you participate?

We all can be part of the solution. Digital downloads are the "green" answer to demanding fewer resources for your computer's needs. What you get is software with an environmental footprint of zero while still staying up-to-date.

Digital downloads are one part of the larger trend in making our lives - both professional and personal - cleaner, more efficient, and better. Continue reading to see what else you can do to improve your green computing.

Limit screen-saver use. A screen saver does not save energy. In fact, more often than not, a screen saver not only will draw power for the monitor, but also will keep the CPU from shutting down. Instead, set your computer to turn off the monitor first, then go into standby mode after a longer period of inactivity.

Disconnect your Virtual Private Network (VPN) when not actively using your corporate network. Being connected may limit your system's ability to enter standby mode.

Many popular computer games and other third party software packages that run in the background will not allow the computer to go to sleep - even if they are paused or the active window is minimized.

Some web sites or pages that have active banners and or animated advertisements will not allow the computer to sleep on its own and must be closed, or the computer put manually into a sleep state.

Enabled power management to place your monitor, hard drives and computer into a low-power "sleep" mode after a period of inactivity.

Monitor/display sleep: Turn off after 15 minutes or less

Turn off hard drives/hard disk sleep: 15 minutes or less

System standby/sleep: After 30 minutes or less

Advanced users may wish to establish multiple power schemes to address different usage models. For example, you can create a power scheme for playing music CDs that shuts off your hard drive and monitor immediately, but never puts your system into standby mode.

To further reduce power consumption, turn off computing and peripheral devices that are not being used or being used for an extended period of time such as overnight.

Plug all your electronics into one surge protector, so you can easily switch them all off when you leave the room or go to sleep. Most power supplies (such as your cell phone charger) continue to draw power and generate heat even when not attached to a device.
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Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2016
System Requirements:
  • Operating System Recommended:
    64-bit Microsoft® Windows® 7 with Service Pack 1 or Windows 8.1

    64-bit Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1
  • CPU Type Recommended:
    Intel® Xeon® E3 or Core i7 or equivalent, 3.0 GHz or greater

    64-bit Intel® or AMD, 2 GHz or faster
  • Memory Recommended:
    8 GB RAM or more

    4 GB RAM
  • Disk Space Recommended:
    100 GB free disk space or more

    50 GB free disk space
  • Graphics Recommended:
    Microsoft® Direct3D 11® or capable graphics card or higher

    Microsoft® Direct3D 10® capable graphics card or higher
  • Other 1,280 x 1,024 or higher screen resolution

    Adobe® Flash® Player 15

    Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 8 or higher

    Full local install of Microsoft® Excel 2007, 2010 or 2013 for iFeatures, iParts, iAssemblies, thread related commands, clearance/threaded hole creation, Global BOM, Parts Lists, Revision Tables, spreadsheet-driven designs and Studio animation of Positional Representations. Excel Starter®, Online Office 365® and OpenOffice® are not supported.

    64-bit Microsoft Office is required to export Access 2007, dBase IV, Text and CSV formats.

    Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
  • Operating system Apple® Mac® OS® X v10.11 or later (El Capitan); OS X v10.10 or later (Yosemite); OS X v10.9 or later (Mavericks)
  • Mac model Apple Mac Pro® 4,1 or later (Mac Pro® 6,1 or later recommended)
    MacBook® Pro 5,1 or later (MacBook Pro 10,1 with Retina Display or later recommended)
    iMac® 8.1 or later (iMac 11.1 or later recommended)
    Mac Mini® 3.1 or later (Mac Mini 4.1 or later recommended)
    MacBook Air® 2.1 or later
    MacBook 5.1 or later (MacBook 7.1 or later recommended)
  • CPU Type 64-bit Intel CPU (Intel Core Duo CPU, 2 GHz or faster, recommended)
  • Memory 3 GB of RAM (4 GB or above recommended)
  • Disk Space 3 GB free disk space for download and installation (4 GB or above recommended)
  • Graphics All graphics cards on supported hardware
    1280 x 800 display with true color (2880 x 1800 with Retina Display recommended)
  • Other Apple Safari 5.0 or later
    All Mac OS X supported language operating systems
    Apple® Mouse, Apple Magic Mouse, Magic Trackpad, MacBook® Pro trackpad, or Microsoft-compliant mouse.
    Mac OS X-compliant printer
YOU PAY$119.95


$ / month
RRP: $1200.00
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Terms of Use:

One license per seat

Supported Systems:

Windows Mac

Included Languages:

English, čeština, Deutsch, español, français, italiano, magyar, polski, português, русский, 中文, 한국어
Available: 50+
Create 2D CAD drawings with AutoCAD LT® software. AutoCAD LT features include a richer design context and smarter tools, like Stunning Visual Experience, Smart Dimensioning, and Enhanced PDFs.


Stunning Visual Experience See the details in your designs more clearly with visual enhancements such as Line Fading. Readability is now enhanced with true curves instead of line segments. Minimize the need to undo an operation with Command Preview, which lets you see the results of a command before you commit to it. Move and copy large selection sets more easily.
Enhanced PDFs Produce documents more quickly with smarter, smaller, more powerful files. All text is searchable, and you can attach PDF files to your drawings for better performance.
Smart Dimensioning Automatically create appropriate measurements based on your drawing context. Pass the cursor over selected objects to see a preview of the resulting dimension before you actually create it.
Sysvar monitor Prevent unwanted changes to your system settings. This feature alerts you to changes to your preferences that could affect your drafting work.
Revision cloud (enhanced) Create revision clouds with more flexibility and modify them with ease. Place revision bubbles around new changes in a drawing and quickly identify your updates. Whether your revision cloud is rectangular, polygonal, or freehand, you can now edit its size and shape with grip more efficiently.
New Tab page Quickly open new and existing drawings, and access a large selection of design elements that can help you start on a project. Use the New Tab page to open templates, updates from a design feed, or design data residing in the A360 cloud application.
Ribbon galleries Save time and clicks by accessing drawing context directly from the ribbon. For example, to add a block to your design, hover over the ribbon for a block insertion. You can see thumbnails of all the blocks in the Block gallery, and you can insert your selection right away, without having to move off your drawing into a dialog box. It's intuitive, visual, and fast.
Design feed Use the design feed on an intranet, as well as on Internet or cloud connections. The design and the conversation happen in the same place. But when it's time to send your final drawing, you can decide whether the conversation should go along with it. Built-in tools in eTransmit and File Save workflows can strip the comments, if you like.
Command preview “Undo” less often by catching mistakes before they happen. Preview the outcomes of frequently used commands, such as Offset, Fillet, and Trim, before you commit to them.
TrustedDWG technology Confidently share CAD files with TrustedDWG™ technology. TrustedDWG helps you maintain all the elements in your drawings, and the relationships between those elements. All AutoCAD products use this technology to store and share design and documentation files.
Refined interface The interface has a modernized look and feel that improves the design process. The darker background makes fine lines, buttons, and text stand out better and helps to reduce eyestrain.


Chris, IE
Did what they say they would do. Once I figured out what I was supposed to do, it work a dream and I'm happy with the product which is working great. I would use this service again.
David, AU
Great idea using tutorials video, easy installation process
Michael, US
I must admit I had some difficulty getting my purchased product to run. However, this was due to a confusing error message resulting from opening the incorrect program from my start bar. I now am using the product and am happy with it! The support team stayed with me all the while I was struggling, and I'm very appreciative for their help. I would recommend the Soft Store to anyone looking for a certified popular program but not willing or able to pay the sticker price for it.